163 Ivy League Wins | 454 UC Wins | Over 2500 US Top 50 Wins

2500+ Top 50 US and Top 20 UK University Offers

Caroline Linger

Get Admitted Into Your Top Choice College with Ivy Central

Caroline & Jose are one of the World’s best-performing counseling team with outstanding yearly performance in gaining admissions to Top Tier Universities. We work with students of all abilities and achievements and help them get ready to get into their Top Choice colleges and universities.

How We Work

Caroline & Jose work directly with every student at Ivy Central, ensuring that every student receives personalized support at every stage of the college admissions journey.


How Caroline and Jose will help you win your Top Choice Colleges!


Equip yourself for success with expert guidance and resources.


Take a look at what our students have to say about us.

Top Tier Universities
in US & UK!

Ivy Central students from around the world have won Top Tier universities in the United States and the United Kingdom. Our wins have included but are not limited to.

  • Harvard University (5)
  • Princeton University (10)
  • Yale University (11)
  • Columbia University (40)
  • Cornell University (36)
  • Brown University (23)
  • University of Pennsylvania (23)
  • Dartmouth College (12)
  • Stanford University (22)
  • MIT (6)
  • University of Chicago (16)
  • Johns Hopkins University (18)
  • UC Berkeley (58)
  • UC Los Angeles (77)
  • Oxford University (4)
  • University of Cambridge (2)

Why Choose Us?

At Ivy Central, we partner with students to maximize their potential and secure admission to the world’s most competitive universities. Our deep knowledge of academic programs and college admissions empowers us to guide students toward success—winning merit scholarships, gaining acceptance to elite schools, and thriving through graduation.

We help students stand out by highlighting what makes them unique. Whether you’re aiming for Ivy League schools or other top-tier institutions, our personalized strategies ensure your application shines. Our students come from diverse backgrounds and achievement levels, united by a shared ambition: to attend the best universities globally.

Serving students worldwide—from Bangalore, Chennai, Dubai, and Hyderabad to London, Mumbai, New Delhi, New Jersey, New York, San Francisco, Singapore, and beyond—our proven approach transcends borders. Let us help you turn your college dreams into reality.

$ 0 M
In Merit Scholarships
0 +
US & UK University Offers
0 +
Years of Combined Experience
0 %
Student Success Rate

What Ivy Central Alumni Say about us...

Yale University
"From the very first call onwards, Jose and Caroline became indispensable to my college process and a greater degree my high school life. Be it guiding me through standardized testing or listening to me talk about my passions and suggesting projects; they truly helped me craft an application around my passions and beliefs. They understood that the application process does not start at the beginning of grade twelve, but rather continues throughout high school. This mentality allowed me to focus on my essay writing and interviews in grade twelve as opposed to scrambling for last minute projects. By the time I was sending out applications, I truly felt like each one was representative of my personality, passions, and experiences. This application was designed for colleges that not only were a great fit for me but also that would help me pursue all my interests. Their seemingly endless knowledge of any school I asked about, as well as their personalized college lists based on my personality and interests, were complimented with their unending optimism and calm demeanors. The entire college process can be extremely arduous and having Caroline respond to every essay idea within an hour or Jo scheduling emergency interview prep sessions helped me a great deal. I am incredibly grateful for their help, support, and belief in me. I know that they are not just high school counselors but rather lifelong mentors."
ManjulColumbia University
"Ivy Central does much more than just “send” their students to a selective institution. They focus on building a solid foundation by encouraging their students to challenge themselves (socially, physically and intellectually) such that they are better prepared for what a university education has to offer. Both Caroline and Jose believe in helping their students accelerate their intellectual development. They do so by raising the bar for their students by encouraging them to take the most challenging courses offered to them. This allows them to induce the development of extra-curricular motivations and inculcate a love of learning in their students. I am of the opinion that all students enter high school with great potential; Caroline and Jose inspire them to “realize” that potential in both senses of the word. To put succinctly: If you are looking for advisors who will bring out every student’s full potential, explain the application process concisely yet thoroughly, and inspire those working with them to be progressive, hardworking and responsible, Caroline and Jose are undeniably the best."
Cornell University
“Ivy Central was not just a college counseling service for me – it was a journey in itself, characterized by several ups and downs, but in the end, the result was worth every effort made. Jose and Caroline extracted the best out of me: they were aware of my potential and pushed me to achieve beyond the targets I set for myself. Needless to say, they are experts in building college applications that stand out, but what sets them apart is the endless support and exhortation they offer. Through meetings in person or on Skype, they always ensured I was on track with my goals and patiently responded to all my ideas. The challenging four years of high school almost felt like a breeze as my mentors were always armed with advice, suggestions and of course, Caroline’s smile, which was a huge source of motivation in itself. From choosing the perfect colleges to making the daunting essay-writing process less stressful, Jose and Caroline have played indispensable roles in helping me reach my dream college. I was always apprehensive as to whether I would succumb to the pressure surrounding me and lose my morale, but Ivy Central did not let me do so. Most importantly, they have inculcated a love for learning in me, which clearly makes Jose and Caroline the best counselors we have today. ”
Stanford University
“Jose and Caroline have spent the last two years guiding me through the intricacies of the college application process, but they have done far more than just untangle the nitty-gritty of the experience. They have also done their best to serve as mentors, using their considerable expertise to help navigate high-school life and what comes after. With respect to the application process, that means support every step of the way. Customized college ‘fit-packs’, which provide a firsthand account of campus environments, combined with in-depth chats with Jose and Caroline, helped me draw up a college list that balanced academic rigor and personal preference. Consistent feedback helped me craft supplements that allowed me to communicate my identity to the fullest extent. And through it all, their frank advice in conjunction with their inspiring optimism helped keep me determined. In addition, both Jose and Caroline bring with them many years of experience navigating these crucial years. This means that be it during interview-prep or writer’s block, they have helped countless students who were once in the same shoes. Knowing that I could count on them to be there at every stage was always comforting. I can’t fully express how thankful I am for Jose, Caroline, and all of IvyCentral’s help during the last two years. I know that as I move on to the next chapter, they’ll remain my mentors for years to come.”
Columbia University
“Jose and Caroline inspire students to become the best versions of themselves. Their dedication to their students is evident from the frequent check-ins, college-fit advice and interview prep meetings. They don’t just help students grow intellectually, they help students become well-rounded individuals who are equipped to face any hurdle they encounter along the way. Their competence as academic advisors is complemented by their faith in each of their students. It is this faith that they place in us students which allows us to truly spread our wings and fly.”
Brown University
“It’s as if it were just yesterday when I walked into Ms. Caroline’s office in my big black t-shirt and low self-esteem. It was the summer after my IGCSE board exams and I had no idea of what I wanted; being the kind of person who is sometimes too easily overwhelmed, I approached her with the hope of assurance and trust. It wasn’t too long before Ms. Caroline had me figured out, and very soon I found myself applying to a host of small liberal arts colleges across America, with Brown as my top choice. While I had acknowledged my aptitude for creative writing and photography, they were, for the most part, categorised under the “hobbies” heading. It was numbers, the kind that you saw on report cards, that would get me into college — not pretty photos and words borne out of experience. And while university applications do require the digits, they also pose in front of us seemingly tricky essay questions that many of us answer in the hopes of ‘cracking the question’, but really, they’re looking for your perspective. As seemingly one-directional college application processes may seem, it’s crucial to remember that colleges, too, are looking for the right personality to fit their temper. Caroline and Jose both forced us to think. After some thorough delving into each and every individual student, they discussed our strengths and pasttimes, family and friends, motives and ambitions — we had to ask ourselves questions that we easily overlooked, such as why we wanted to go into college in the first place! Caroline helped me extensively and tirelessly throughout the essay writing process, providing numerous rereads, word checks, and philosophies. Needless to say, my correspondence with Caroline and Jose continued throughout college and after. The two of them always made time to meet me when I requested them to do so for quick meetings (if we were in India) and over Skype. The fact that they remain my academic mentors is indicative of their dedication and commitment to each and every student. I am forever grateful to them for providing me with the opportunity and resources to shoot for the moon. ”
Stanford University
“Mr Jose and Ms Caroline: the perfect complements. But, they aren’t merely the average “good cop” and “bad cop”. In fact, they are so much more. During one of the most painstaking processes in my life, they effortlessly oscillated between encouraging counsellors and harsh critics to blatant interviewers and comforting friends. With a contagious passion and a constant uplifting spirit, they supported me in every step of the way of the seemingly insurmountable journey of applying to colleges. Mr Jose and Ms Caroline challenged me to push beyond the limits and constraints I had set for myself in my own mind, and lifted me to a level I didn’t even know I was capable of reaching. No words can suffice to express the immense gratitude I have towards this wonderfully harmonious pair. ”
Stanford University
“From the very first meeting, Mr. Jose and Ms. Caroline truly believed in me and took the time and effort to understand me, and what I wanted out of college. Their holistic approach went beyond the obvious, the scores and numbers, to the heart of my application. Together, they make a great team, complementing each other, and offering diverse and deep insights that especially came through in the application essay and interviewing process. They patiently prodded me to get out of myself and express my personality and unique perspectives. I was encouraged to self-reflect and this process helped me to stand out while being true to myself. I have learned so much from working with them, not just about colleges, and I am so fortunate to have them as life-long mentors.”

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Essay Writing tips

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College Applications

Writing your UCAS Personal Statement

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Model United Nations
College Applications

Why ‘Model United Nations’?

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