Believe, Achieve, Succeed-College Application Journey for 2024-25

August 1st, 2024 is when the much-awaited Common App will be launched for the next admission cycle. You may already be aware, the Common App is a single platform that allows you to apply to multiple colleges. It is accepted by more than 1000 schools in the U.S. Navigating the Common App might be somewhat confusing. You can read a detailed article to familiarize yourself with the portal since this is what you will be using primarily for your applications. Getting to Know the Common App | Ivy Central

The next few months will be stressful as well as an exhilarating experience. For the last four years, you have toiled hard to keep your scores high, taken part in research projects, and attended summer schools. Many of you have created apps and products that showcase your innovative acumen. The time has finally come to put them all together and showcase your achievements to the admission officers. The application process can be somewhat overwhelming. But staying organized and planning will make it easier for students to enjoy the process. We have put together a ready reckoner for students and parents that tells them what they should do through the next few months.  10 Tips for a Successful U.S. College Application | Ivy Central

There are a few things that students must keep in mind when embarking on this journey:

  1. Believe in yourself: Be aware of your strengths and abilities that make you who you are. You have come this far and it is this belief that will take you further.
  2. Stay authentic: Students get tempted to project themselves as what they feel the admission officers may want to see. NO. They do not have any preconceived notions when reading applications. You have a chance to demonstrate the ‘real you.’ Do not jeopardize it.
  3. Craft a stellar personal statement: Admission officers read thousands of essays. Make your essay stand out. Be genuine, reflect on your experiences, and express your aspirations. Pique their curiosity to read on about You. Write an unputdownable essay.
  4. Stay focussed: You will be appearing for your exams while the application process is underway. Let that not take your focus away from academics. Keeping your grades high will demonstrate your commitment to rigor.
  5. Meet your counselor: Your counselor is there to guide and support you. Turn to them for encouragement and guidance. Remember you are not alone. Seek your parents’ help and advice.

Life will present you with moments of doubt. You may encounter setbacks, but resilience is your greatest friend. Each experience will make you stronger. Learn from them, stay positive, and keep moving forward.

Good Luck!

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