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Setting goals
Study Skills

How To Set Your Academic Goals

As a student, I am sure you are constantly juggling tons of workload. Academics combined with extracurriculars can be hectic. A lot of students, especially those taking on more challenging curriculums such as the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB), find themselves pressed for time.

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What to Do if You Are Waitlisted for A College? Guide for Students
College Counseling

Waitlisted! So what do you next to win the place?

If you have applied to colleges and universities in the United States you should now know which have accepted you and which have not offered you a place. For some, there will be a third category where the college has put the student on a waitlist. If the college is your top choice college, then being on a waitlist can feel like being in purgatory, somewhere between heaven and hell. Read on to find out how you can judge your odds of being admitted off the waitlist and what you can do to improve your chances.

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8 Key Tips on How to Get Into an Ivy League College? Ivy Central

Eight Tips on Getting Accepted by an Ivy League College

For many students and families aspiring to a higher education experience in the United States of America, the Ivy League remains the pinnacle of educational achievement. Irrespective of whether they are right in that belief, the reality is that if pushed to name a US college many families of international students would name an Ivy League institution. Every year more and more students apply to one of the eight colleges that make up the Ivy League, drawn by their mix of high academic achievement, social prestige, wonderful facilities and extensive networking opportunities. If you are one of those who dream of walking the campuses of these colleges, here is what you need to know and eight tips on what it takes to win a coveted acceptance letter.

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5 Steps on How to Find the Right College? College Selection Guide
Build Your Profile

Five Steps to Help You Find Your Perfect College Match

If you have decided that going to college or university is what you want to do after high school, then this article is for you. Making the choice about which college or university to attend is a difficult one, there are so many options to choose from! This article will show you the five steps to help you narrow down your choices to a manageable number that you can apply to. It does not matter if you are applying to institutions in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia or any other part of the world, these steps will help you.

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In-Depth Guide on What is a Research University? Ivy Central
College Counseling

What’s a Research University?

In a previous article, I wrote about the many types of colleges and universities to be found across the United States. In this article, I am going to provide a more in depth look at one of those types, the research university. I will explain just what distinguishes a research university from other types and suggest what type of student best fits that environment.

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What is a College Consortium?

College Consortiums are formed when two or more colleges/universities come together to share resources. These resources could be in the form of labs, libraries, cultural centers, faculty, etc. Colleges from a consortium are located within 10 to 20 miles of each other, to ensure the smooth functioning and use of these facilities by students from these colleges.

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Stanford University School of Humanities and sciences
US Universities

What You Need To Know About Stanford University

Stanford University has a worldwide reputation that every year attracts thousands of applications from all parts of the planet. Students are drawn to it because it of the quality of the education it offers, the entrepreneurial mindset and some wonderful employment opportunities at the end of their degree. Whatever it is that attracts you to Stanford, this blog will help you get to know more about it and whether it will be a good fit for you.

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College Application rejection
College Applications

Coping with Rejection

Over the next few weeks, colleges will be sending out letters, or more likely emails, telling students if they have been accepted into their college. We obviously hope that every student gets accepted into their first choice college, but the reality is that not everybody will. Here are some observations on how you can deal with the natural disappointment of not being accepted.

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Double Major
Study Skills

Double Major: Is it a Good Fit for You?

Starting college is full of decisions that you will need to make and at some point, one question you will be confronted with is: Should you double major?

Earning a double major is increasingly popular as it gives you an in-depth understanding of two different fields. It can also make you a more competitive candidate during the job search and, eventually, a more highly paid employee.

Of course, it also means more work and a much tighter schedule.

So, what do you need to know to enable you to make the decision about double majoring and it is right for you?

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Grade Point Average

Understand High School GPA – Grade Point Average

Most people aspiring to apply to college in the US will be familiar with the acronym GPA but in this article, I’m going to dig deeper, to understand the different types of GPA, how they are calculated and its significance in the college application process.

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Essay Writing tips

How to Write Essays for US College and University Application?

US colleges and universities practice holistic admissions, which means that they are looking at their applicants as being whole individuals with their unique set of experiences and learnings. For this reason, your college essays need to reflect the values and skills you have developed as a result of all those wonderful things mentioned in your résumé

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College Applications

Writing your UCAS Personal Statement

Your UCAS Personal Statement (PS) is the one opportunity that you get to talk about why you want to study a particular degree. It is your opportunity to demonstrate the drive, ambition, skills and achievements that make you a great choice for the universities you have applied to. Unfortunately, you only have a limited amount of room to sell yourself, 4,000 characters, including spaces, and 47 lines, roughly one page of A4. This limitation means that you need to express yourself in a clear and succinct way, leaving little room for filler.

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Inter/Multidisciplinary Majors: Should you apply for one?

Interdisciplinary majors are those that inherently fuse two or more traditional areas of study (Biomedical engineering, Global Affairs, South Asian Studies) On the other hand, Multidisciplinary or Cross-disciplinary majors tend to externally combine different areas of study (Computer Science and Psychology; Mathematics and Philosophy; Physics and Geosciences).

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Model United Nations
College Applications

Why ‘Model United Nations’?

Encouraging students to sign up for Model United Nations or MUN, we are often asked: “Why MUN”? Since many of you may be wondering the same, this blog attempts to answer your question.

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