Inventive, Interwoven, Anchored, and Engaged are just a few words
College life is precious. The four years spent accumulating knowledge
Some students love living in small towns. They would like
Columbia University attracts a diverse national and international student body
The university life of a student comprises multifaceted experiences. Personal
As a high-school student, are you someone Who has ideas
Boston Leadership Institute offers award-winning summer programs for students entering
Founded by Harvard and Oxford researchers, the Lumiere Research Scholar
The University of California system is considered one of the
It may come as a surprise to you, but there
For decades, U.S. universities used standardized test scores to select
Ivy Central is one of the World’s best-performing college counseling company with outstanding performance in gaining admissions to Top Tier Universities.
2024 Ivy Central is not affiliated with any university or college and is an independent organization. We are not affiliated with The Ivy League or its member universities.