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Our news

  • Supplemental Essays: A Take on Short Takes

    The Application Season is here and we are as excited as you are!In this blog, I will take you through tips for writing those seemingly insignificant short take supplemental questions that first few, now many, colleges are including as part of their mandatory essay requirements.


  • So You Want to be a Doctor? Qualifying in the UK

    This is the second of two posts where I am exploring the different routes to qualifying as a doctor in the United States and the United Kingdom. Over the years, these are the countries that most Ivy Central students have chosen to apply to for medical training but of course there are many other options…


  • So You Want to be a Doctor?

    With the help of all the medical programmes on television, you may have thought to yourself that becoming a medical doctor may be the career for you. Over the next two blog posts I will take you through the steps, needed to achieve this goal, but as a regulated career, the requirements to qualify as…


  • Gearing Up for a New Academic Year

    Entering a new year at school can be daunting, especially if it is high school. While ‘High School’ is a term synonymous with an overload of academics for most students, it is also a turning point for exploring your interests and career choices through extracurricular activities. That is why it is important for you to plan…


  • Getting to Know the Common App

    Anybody aspiring to attend college in the United States will come across the Common Application. In excess of one million students use it each year to make their application to colleges from Maine to California. Here is the Ivy Central quick guide to the Common App.


  • Make Application Season Less Stressful with These 5 Tips

    It is not surprising that, with the need to juggle the demands of school, extra-curricular activities alongside applying to college, application season can be highly stressful.There’s also the worrying: Students worry about missing deadlines or not scoring high enough in their standardised tests. They worry that their peers will receive dazzling scholarship offers and acceptance…


  • Supplemental Essays | The College Community Essay 2021-22

    Supplemental Essays: The Community Essay

    The community essay prompt is one of my favorites. As mentioned in many of my blogs, US colleges and universities are looking at crafting a community and that’s exactly why colleges ask this question. They want to know how you see yourself as part of a community – any community. You do not necessarily have…


  • Records Broken and the US Universities Slip

    At the start of June, the 2021 the QS World University Rankings were published and 1300 universities across the world poured over the lists of colleges and universities to see if they had gone up or down from last year.



    In less than a month’s time, the big reveal of Supplemental Essays will take place. While there could be a variety of supplemental essays that colleges/universities ask their students to answer, one of the most common and prominent is the one about what would you like to study in college. We call it the ‘Why…


  • Supplemental Essays – University of Chicago

    How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.