Get Into Your Top Choice College with Ivy Central

Our news

  • Tips for the Stanford Supplemental Essays

    Stanford University is keen to understand the depth and breadth of your personality, something that doesn’t reflect in your transcripts. That is why Stanford’s supplemental essays are designed to get to know you beyond the academic data. This is your chance to diversify your application. Show elements of intellectual curiosity, volunteering experience, interdisciplinary learning, reading…


  • Discovering About the University of Chicago | A Student's Insight

    University of Chicago: A Students View.

    My ‘Why UChicago’ essay was longer than most newspaper articles.  Therefore, as you might’ve guessed, I arrived at the University with high expectations. My head was ringing with visions of school-wide scavenger hunts, bizarre class lists, and professors who re-enact papal elections — complete with costumes, assassinations and alliances — below the gothic spires of…


  • Five Tips to Help You Reach Your Study Goal

    At some point in the year, just about every student I work with will comment about having deadlines that they are struggling to meet. For many it is just a short term challenge but for a few it can become a cause of stress and anxiety that impacts on the academic and extra-curricular work together…


  • Importance of Reading Habits in Students for College Admissions

    Your Reading Habits can help you Win your Dream College

    Most colleges expect you to demonstrate critical thinking skills in numerous ways.The simple reason: they are looking at crafting a well-informed community. A typical classroom environment in the US and UK involves engaging discussions filled with perspectives and counter-perspectives. Moreover, tons of student clubs and organizations drive the campus spirit.


  • Test Optional: What Does It Mean?

    As the COVID-19 pandemic spread worldwide, many colleges in the United States responded by adopting test-optional policies to accommodate the disruptions in SAT and ACT testing dates. As we move into 2024, these policies have evolved, with numerous colleges announcing plans to extend or make permanent their test-optional policies. This shift holds significant implications for…


  • Who to Ask for a Recommendation Letter for College Application?

    Who to ask for a Recommendation Letter?

                         It is normal for colleges to ask you to send one or more letters of recommendation as part of your college application, applications for competitive summer programs are another occasion when you may find yourself asking who should I ask? Normally what the college or…


  • Tips for Successful Online Learning | Strategies for Virtual Learning

    Tips for Successful Online Study

    Students all over the world are having to get used to learning in a new way. Many Ivy Central students have had to adjust to online lessons so here are a few lessons to pass on to anybody who is wondering how they can make online learning work for them. Be Positive There is surviving…


  • Top Qualities Students Should Demonstrate to Colleges.

    One of the most common questions college counselors hear is, “How do I get accepted by a particular university?”  While each college or university in the USA has unique criteria, some qualities are universally valued in the admissions process. Here’s a guide to help you understand what most colleges look for in applicants and how…