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Category: Admissions
Understand High School GPA – Grade Point Average
Most people aspiring to apply to college in the US will be familiar with the acronym GPA but in this article, I’m going to dig deeper, to understand the different types of GPA, how they are calculated and its significance in the college application process. Read more
Ultimate Guide to Early Admissions Round for the Class of 2025
The run up to the Christmas and New Year holidays is always interesting as it is when we start to get an indication as to how the college application round is shaping up. This year has been exceptionally interesting as the impacts of COVID 19 has resulted in an early admissions round like no other. Read more
Comprehensive Guide on How to Deal with College Rejection?
Over the next few weeks colleges will be sending out letters, or more likely emails, telling students if they have been accepted into their college. We obviously hope that every student gets accepted into their first choice college, but the reality is that not everybody will. Here are some observations on how you can deal… Read more
Do I need to take an English Language test?
As an international student, there are so many different steps you’ll need to understand and navigate when applying to universities in the United States, one question that we are frequently asked is ‘Do I need to take an English language test?’. Read more
How to Write Essays for US College and University Application?
US colleges and universities practice holistic admissions, which means that they are looking at their applicants as being whole individuals with their unique set of experiences and learnings. For this reason, your college essays need to reflect the values and skills you have developed as a result of all those wonderful things mentioned in your… Read more
Tips for the Stanford Supplemental Essays
Stanford University is keen to understand the depth and breadth of your personality, something that doesn’t reflect in your transcripts. That is why Stanford’s supplemental essays are designed to get to know you beyond the academic data. This is your chance to diversify your application. Show elements of intellectual curiosity, volunteering experience, interdisciplinary learning, reading… Read more
Your Reading Habits can help you Win your Dream College
Most colleges expect you to demonstrate critical thinking skills in numerous ways.The simple reason: they are looking at crafting a well-informed community. A typical classroom environment in the US and UK involves engaging discussions filled with perspectives and counter-perspectives. Moreover, tons of student clubs and organizations drive the campus spirit. Read more
Top Qualities Students Should Demonstrate to Colleges.
One of the most common questions college counselors hear is, “How do I get accepted by a particular university?” While each college or university in the USA has unique criteria, some qualities are universally valued in the admissions process. Here’s a guide to help you understand what most colleges look for in applicants and how… Read more