Category: Career Counseling
Should I do a Business degree?
Business degrees of one description or another are probably the most common undergraduate degrees in the world and are likely to remain very popular with students for many years to come. The reasons for this are numerous, but common themes for why students choose this are its relevance to the world they see around them… Read more
What are the jobs of the future for 2025
Each year the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes a list of jobs that they expect to see the greatest growth over the next ten years. They have recently published their data for 2020 so it seems like a good time to think not just about the jobs but also about the majors that… Read more
Should You Do an English Degree?
I will confess, I have not gone through the stats, but I’m fairly confident when I say that most of the young people I work with have their eyes set on studying either a STEM or an applied subject at university. This choice is often influenced by their ideas about their future career path, however,… Read more
So You Want to be a Doctor? Qualifying in the UK
This is the second of two posts where I am exploring the different routes to qualifying as a doctor in the United States and the United Kingdom. Over the years, these are the countries that most Ivy Central students have chosen to apply to for medical training but of course there are many other options… Read more
So You Want to be a Doctor?
With the help of all the medical programmes on television, you may have thought to yourself that becoming a medical doctor may be the career for you. Over the next two blog posts I will take you through the steps, needed to achieve this goal, but as a regulated career, the requirements to qualify as… Read more
Make Application Season Less Stressful with These 5 Tips
It is not surprising that, with the need to juggle the demands of school, extra-curricular activities alongside applying to college, application season can be highly stressful.There’s also the worrying: Students worry about missing deadlines or not scoring high enough in their standardised tests. They worry that their peers will receive dazzling scholarship offers and acceptance… Read more
Should I Study Engineering at College?
Studying for an engineering degree is not for the faint hearted, they are some of the most competitive courses to be accepted onto and are notorious for having some of the highest dropout rates in higher education. But every year a good proportion of Ivy Central students apply to study engineering at college and then… Read more
“Who’s the text from?”
Over the past decade, I have experienced the concept of ‘multitasking’ become fashionably cool. I remember reveling in my multitasking skills as a teenager whenever I listened to EDM in the background while solving math problems. Read more
Five Steps to Help You Find Your Perfect College Match
If you have decided that going to college or university is what you want to do after high school, then this article is for you. Making the choice about which college or university to attend is a difficult one, there are so many options to choose from! This article will show you the five steps… Read more
What Do Graduates Do?
For several years now the UK Higher Education Statistics Agency have published the results of their annual Graduate Outcomes survey which tracks what graduates from UK universities are doing fifteen months after they graduate. This year this data has been used to produce a new publication What Do Graduates Do?… Read more