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Category: College Counseling
Class of 2025: The Bigger Picture
At the start of January this year I wrote a piece for this blog where I looked at what had happened in the early round of college applications for the class of 2025. Since the start of April colleges have been releasing statistical information for the whole application round, including the numbers of applications they… Read more
Waitlisted! So what do you next to win the place?
If you have applied to colleges and universities in the United States you should now know which have accepted you and which have not offered you a place. For some, there will be a third category where the college has put the student on a waitlist. If the college is your top choice college, then… Read more
Womens’ Colleges in the US: To apply or not to apply?
You may have occasionally heard the term “Seven Sisters” with regard to Womens’ Colleges in the US. The term refers to seven historically all-women’s colleges namely: Barnard College, Bryn Mawr College, Mount Holyoke College, Radcliffe College, Smith College, Vassar College and Wellesley College. Read more
What is a Liberal Arts Education?
Not so long ago I had a long conversation with a parent who was concerned that their child was interested in applying to some liberal arts colleges. Through the conversation, we discussed just what a liberal arts education is and how appropriate it is for the modern employment market. In this blog, I’m going to… Read more
What’s a Research University?
In a previous article, I wrote about the many types of colleges and universities to be found across the United States. In this article, I am going to provide a more in depth look at one of those types, the research university. I will explain just what distinguishes a research university from other types and… Read more
A Guide to the Colleges and Universities in the US.
Now is the time of year where those students who will be applying for college later in the year really start to think about building their college list. While every college is unique nearly all can be categorised into a type, often offering great advantages to their students. In this article, I will list some… Read more
World Reputation Rankings 2020
The Times Higher Education have just released their rankings of the worlds universities according to their reputation. The rankings are devised by asking just over 11,000 senior academics from 132 countries to name the universities that they believe are the best for research and teaching in their subject area in this academic year. The United… Read more
University of Chicago: A Students View.
My ‘Why UChicago’ essay was longer than most newspaper articles. Therefore, as you might’ve guessed, I arrived at the University with high expectations. My head was ringing with visions of school-wide scavenger hunts, bizarre class lists, and professors who re-enact papal elections — complete with costumes, assassinations and alliances — below the gothic spires of… Read more
Top Qualities Students Should Demonstrate to Colleges.
One of the most common questions college counselors hear is, “How do I get accepted by a particular university?” While each college or university in the USA has unique criteria, some qualities are universally valued in the admissions process. Here’s a guide to help you understand what most colleges look for in applicants and how… Read more