Ivy Central

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Category: Majors

  • Should I study for a psychology degree?


    Have you ever looked up at the clouds and seen animals in the shapes, or wondered why you catch somebody else’s yawn, perhaps you have felt sudden pangs of hunger as you have walked past a fast food outlet? If that sounds like you and you are interested in why you do these things, then… Read more

  • Should I do a Business degree?

    Should I do a Business degree?

    Business degrees of one description or another are probably the most common undergraduate degrees in the world and are likely to remain very popular with students for many years to come. The reasons for this are numerous, but common themes for why students choose this are its relevance to the world they see around them… Read more

  • A Guide To STEM Majors – How To Avoid Dropping Out

    Majors in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) are the most popular choice of major for the students we work with, so it was rather a shock to come across a statistic taken from the Engage to Excelreport, stating that 60% of students who start college intending to complete a STEM major end up graduating… Read more

  • Should You Do an English Degree?


    I will confess, I have not gone through the stats, but I’m fairly confident when I say that most of the young people I work with have their eyes set on studying either a STEM or an applied subject at university. This choice is often influenced by their ideas about their future career path, however,… Read more

  • Should I Study Engineering at College?


    Studying for an engineering degree is not for the faint hearted, they are some of the most competitive courses to be accepted onto and are notorious for having some of the highest dropout rates in higher education. But every year a good proportion of Ivy Central students apply to study engineering at college and then… Read more


    In less than a month’s time, the big reveal of Supplemental Essays will take place. While there could be a variety of supplemental essays that colleges/universities ask their students to answer, one of the most common and prominent is the one about what would you like to study in college. We call it the ‘Why… Read more

  • Should I Study Computer Science?

    Should I Study Computer Science?

    The field of computer science has seen a surge in applications from students wanting to study the subject for their higher education degree. In the UK, applications to study computer science have seen a year on year increase of 4%, a massive increase over such a short period, while in the United States the numbers… Read more

  • 3-2 Engineering Programmes: The best of both worlds?


    The process of choosing a college or university to attend is one of making choices between one option and another, not least, the decision to pursue one area of study or another. A hidden jewel in the US college application options is the 3-2 engineering programme offered by many institutions. Read more

  • Should I Major in Economics?

    Each year many Ivy Central students choose to study economics when they apply to college, and they are not alone, economics is one of the most popular subjects in colleges and universities around the world. Students tell me that what they like about the subject is that it breaks out of the STEM or humanities… Read more

  • Best Creative Writing Majors and Related Careers

    Best Creative Writing Majors and Related Careers

    Colleges in the US usually offer English majors with a concentration in Creative Writing or sometimes just a minor (such as NYU). Others offer rigorous programs that include courses, reading lectures and workshops in Creative Writing. Apart from the renowned visiting faculty who would most probably be authors you’ve read or heard of, look out… Read more