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Category: Majors


    In less than a month’s time, the big reveal of Supplemental Essays will take place. While there could be a variety of supplemental essays that colleges/universities ask their students to answer, one of the most common and prominent is the one about what would you like to study in college. We call it the ‘Why… Read more

  • Should I Study Computer Science?

    Should I Study Computer Science?

    The field of computer science has seen a surge in applications from students wanting to study the subject for their higher education degree. In the UK, applications to study computer science have seen a year on year increase of 4%, a massive increase over such a short period, while in the United States the numbers… Read more

  • 3-2 Engineering Programmes: The best of both worlds?


    The process of choosing a college or university to attend is one of making choices between one option and another, not least, the decision to pursue one area of study or another. A hidden jewel in the US college application options is the 3-2 engineering programme offered by many institutions. Read more