Ivy Central

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Category: Student Life

  • The Role of Social Media in College Admissions and Student Life

    The Role of Social Media in College Admissions and Student Life

    Social media has transformed the way we connect, communicate, and share our lives with the world. In the realm of higher education, it has also become a powerful tool influencing college admissions and shaping student life. College Admissions in the Age of Social Media: In recent years, college admissions officers have increasingly turned to social… Read more

  • Wake Forest University 

    Wake Forest University 

    Wake Forest University is a private research university located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA. The university was founded in 1834 and has a rich history and tradition of academic excellence. Wake Forest is known for its strong undergraduate liberal arts program, as well as its graduate and professional programs in law, medicine, business, and divinity. Read more

  • Five Top Tips for Making the Most of Grade 9


    The move to Grade 9 can feel somewhat overwhelming, but it is also the start of a new chapter in a student’s life. Many think that learning has more of a point as thoughts start to move toward what comes after school. This makes Grade 9 a critical transition point for students; it allows them… Read more

  • Greek Life: An American Tradition


    For most international students the idea of fraternities and sororities is something they come across in films set on US colleges. Dating back to the early 1700’s fraternities and sororities have grown into an American tradition, with a presence on campuses across the country. In this article I will explain what they are, the benefits… Read more

  • “Who’s the text from?”

    Over the past decade, I have experienced the concept of ‘multitasking’ become fashionably cool. I remember reveling in my multitasking skills as a teenager whenever I listened to EDM in the background while solving math problems. Read more

  • Seven Tips to Help You Prepare to Leave for College


    Freedom is at hand! You have accepted the place offered by your favourite college, the pandemic seems to be easing so colleges are expecting to welcome students back into university accommodation, exciting times. But, there is also that voice in your head asking how are you going to cope without Mum and Dad to put… Read more

  • Housing at US Colleges and Universities

    Upon accepting your college admission offer, the first thing you want to secure is your accommodation. For that, it is important to do some research into the different options available to you. Understand why you feel one would suit you better than the other based on your personal preferences. Read more

  • Tips for Successful Online Study

    Tips for Successful Online Study

    Students all over the world are having to get used to learning in a new way. Many Ivy Central students have had to adjust to online lessons so here are a few lessons to pass on to anybody who is wondering how they can make online learning work for them. Be Positive There is surviving… Read more

  • Academic burnout: how to recognize and avoid it

    Academic burnout: how to recognize and avoid it

    All to often people involved in helping young people prepare for applying to college can become a little narrow in their perspective, it’s important for young people and those helping them, whether they are counselors, teachers, or perhaps even parents, to forget that college applications don’t happen in a vacuum, all students aiming for college… Read more